lyrics Sesame Street - Pat, Pat, Patty Pat - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Sesame Street
Lyrics for Song: Pat, Pat, Patty Pat
Lyrics for Album: Bert & Ernie's Greatest Hits [1996]

Bert: Hey, hey everybody! I've got another great game for ya!

All: Yay! Wow! All right!

Bert: This is so much fun!

Now, when I say pat your tummy, you pat your tummy. OK? Here we go...

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just shake your leg with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

(assorted confusion)

Ernie: Uh, then what happens Bert?

Bert: Uh, nothing happens Ernie,

and that's the game! Isn't it a spellbinder?

Oscar: Well, I thought it was dumb!!!

Prairie: Yeah, me too.

Herbert Birdsfoot: I know what.

Maybe if we made it more complicated it would be fun.

Bert: MORE complicated???

Herb: Sure, try it like this., all you kids listening to the record,

you do just what the song says.

Bert: Herb, are you sure you know what you are doing?

Herb: Trust me.

Bert: OK, go.

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just wiggle your fingers with a

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Shake your legs with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

Big Bird: Hey, that was fun!

Herb: You go, Big Bird.

B.B.: OK, listen to me!

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just flap your arms with a

Flap, flap, flappy flap

Flappy, flappy, flap, flap

Wiggle your fingers with a

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Shake your legs with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

Prairie: Hee-hee-hee, Hey, I thought of one.

Herb: Go Prairie!

Prairie: OK....

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just spin around with a

Spin, spin, spinny spin

Spinny, spinny, spin, spin

Flap your arms with a

Flap, flap, flappy flap

Flappy, flappy, flap, flap

Wiggle your fingers with a

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Shake your legs with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty, pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

Grover: I think I would like to go now.

Big Bird: OK Grover!

G: OK listen.

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just hop around with a

Hip, hop, hoppy hop

Hoppy hoppy, hop, hop

Spin around with a

Spin, spin, spinny spin

Spinny, spinny, spin, spin

Flap your arms with a

Flap, flap, flappy flap

Flappy, flappy, flap, flap

Wiggle your fingers with a

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Shake your legs with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty, pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

Ernie: Wow! OK, last verse, let's really kick it!!!!

Big Bird: OK!

Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear

And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.

Just hop around with a

Hip, hop, hoppy hop

Hoppy hoppy, hop, hop

Spin around with a

Spin, spin, spinny spin

Spinny, spinny, spin, spin

Flap your arms with a

Flap, flap, flappy flap

Flappy, flappy, flap, flap

Wiggle your fingers with a

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Shake your legs with a

Shake, shake, shakey shake,

Shakey, shakey, shake, shake

Pat your tummy with a

Pat, pat, patty, pat,

Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!

(assorted laughter, and then....)

Bert: Personally, I liked it better my way....

Album Lyrics: Bert & Ernie's Greatest Hits [1996]

Sesame Street
"Bert & Ernie's Greatest Hits [1996]"

1. All Dressed Up
2. Dee Dee Dee
3. Clink, Clank
4. Pat, Pat, Patty Pat