lyrics Ani DiFranco - A Spade - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Ani DiFranco
Lyrics for Song: A Spade
Lyrics for Album: Reprieve [2008]

I will not lie down

On the wrongful ground or play

While it's still a radical sound

Just to call a spade a spade

Dear friends, women and men

Please check my math once more

In the totality of all war's history

There's but one common denominator

The answer is in the intention

That lies behind the question

Put that on your standardized multiple choice

I mean, how's this supposed to look to me

But half of divinity

Out there trying to make harmony

With only one voice

You know I've got experience

Looking right past the obvious

So I know what is so big and so close

Is always the hardest stuff

For us to reckon with

The hardest stuff to know

Dear friends, especially the women,

Tell me are you up to the task?

Of turning the wheel on human history

At long last

The answer is in the intention

That lies behind the question

Put that on your standardized multiple choice

I mean, how's this supposed to look to me

But half of divinity

Out there trying to make harmony

With only one voice

I will not lie down

On the wrongful ground or play

While it's still a radical sound

Just call a spade a spade

Dear friends, women and men

What better time to face

That we've been looking for

The answer to war

In the wrong place

Album Lyrics: Reprieve [2008]

Ani DiFranco
"Reprieve [2008]"

1. Hypnotized
2. 78percent H2O
3. Millennium theater
4. Subconscious
5. In The Margins
6. Nicotine
7. Decree
8. Half-Assed
9. Reprieve
10. A Spade
11. Unrequited
12. Shroud