lyrics Dir En Grey - Garbage [+ english translation] - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Dir En Grey
Lyrics for Song: Garbage [+ english translation]
Lyrics for Album: Withering to death. [2005]

As dark as dark sky and earth,dizzily mind

As sore as sore the back of the gullet,dizziness

You can't catch me,can't catch me

Can blind birds fly?They can't

I go up the blind stairs intently

Ladies and gantleman,time is over

Ladies and gantleman,please die

haisuikou ni nagareteyuku ore no kodomo wa munou na kakera

ore no te ja nani mo tsukamenai

Like a garbage I go back to doing

Whatever I may wish,it's weed life

Night and day at the end of the day,all day and so every day

yume sae mo sakebu sa I want to become happy

barairo makka na kuchi warau ore no kodomo wa munou na kakera


hanabira GEEMU no kazoe uta


As dark as dark sky and earth, dizzily mind

As sore as sore the back of the gullet, dizziness

You can't catch me, can't catch me

Can blind birds fly? They can't

I go up the blind stairs intently

Ladies and gentlemen, time is over

Ladies and gentlemen, please die

My child is flowing down the sewer is a piece of imcompetence

Can't grasp anything with my hands

Like a garbage I go back to doing

Whatever I may wish, it's weed life

Night and day at the end of the day, all day and so every day

I scream even in my dreams I want to become happy

Rosy lipstick My child is laughing is a piece of incompetence

Self torture... abuse... die... wanna forget... I hate

The song game of counting petals

Album Lyrics: Withering to death. [2005]

Dir En Grey
"Withering to death. [2005]"

1. -Saku- [+ english translation]
2. Beautiful Dirt
3. C [+ english translation]
4. Dead Tree [+ english translation]
5. Garbage [+ english translation]
6. Higeki Wa Mabuta Wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu
7. Itoshisa Ha Fuhai Nitsuki [+ english translation]
8. Jesus Christ R'N R [+ english translation]
9. Kodoku Ni Shisu, Yueni Kodoku [+ english trans.]
10. Kodou [+ english translation]
11. Machiavellism [+ english translation]
12. Merciless Cult [+ english translation]
13. Spilled Milk
14. The Final