lyrics World Party - Curse Of The Mummy's Tomb - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: World Party
Lyrics for Song: Curse Of The Mummy's Tomb
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - World Party

Do you find yourself in darkness

Do you find yourself in light?

That's a question I want answered

Could you answer me tonight?

Could you give me some directions

In this cave of afterlife?

Do I struggle with my conscience

As it struggles with my life?

In this blackness that surrounds me

But doesn't give me any room

There's so much that I forget...

Is that the curse of the mummy's tomb?

We're all the bold explorer

We all seek gold and fame

Out asking for directions

To the house that knows no pain

And the casual traveler wonders

Who led us all astray

As he leans against the bar

And watches children play

In the blackness that surrounds them

Where there's never any room

But he's following his own quest

For the curse of the mummy's tomb

There are riches here you cannot sell

So value them we don't

There are spies at every corner

Please help us they say "won't"

There are special traps of wisdom

Devised to seize the fool

To entomb him with the mummy's gold

There are demons who shout "duel!"

But I'm too busy with my conscience

I'm too busy with my gloom

Can you rid me of the fever?

That's the curse of the mummy's tomb

We started out together

Our expeditions linked

But every student has a theory

The best he's ever thinked

And our vanity betrays us

And our nerve it disappears

After crossing the dark threshold

Into loneliness and tears

Could I travel into caves unknown

Hear the dullest thud of doom

Can I wander noisy silence?

That's the curse of the mummy's tomb

Buried deep within the mountain

In the Valley of the King

There's a passageway that leads there

Where the wind whistles and sings

Of a time so long forgotten

But it seems like yesterday

When the queen was in her palace

And the king was on his way

To the bosom of his family

To the holy golden womb

What was that love?

That's the curse of the mummy's tomb

If you want to know what happened here

There is writing on the wall

There are strange signs and ornaments

That'll really tell you all

But they're easy to misunderstand

You have to tell the truth

That's how you find the secret

Of her eternal youth

There are curses that are blessings

There are clues in every room

It's up to you now

That's the curse of the mummy's tomb

Nobody there to help you

As the apparition nears

Nobody loves like she did

Could take away your fears

Was this what you were afraid of?

Life without the queen?

Forget it, just remember

This life is but a dream

And you know that hope's returning

Like a new bride to the groom

There's no curse...

Just a mummy's tomb

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - World Party

World Party
"Other Songs - World Party"

1. Ain't Gonna Come 'Till I'm Ready
2. All Come True
3. Beautiful Dream
4. Call Me Up
5. Curse Of The Mummy's Tomb
6. What Does It Mean Now