lyrics Willie Nelson - This Cold War With You - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Willie Nelson
Lyrics for Song: This Cold War With You
Lyrics for Album: Just One Love

The sun goes down it leaves me sad and blue
The iron curtain falls on this cold war with you
Through you won't speak and I won't speak that's true
Two stubborn people with a cold war to go through
Why oh why should love ever come to couples like you and me
Whose cold cold wars are never won and whose hearts just can't be free
Oh let's do right or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another cold cold war with you

[ guitar - steel ]

Why oh why should love ever come to couples like you and me
Whose cold cold wars are never won and whose hearts just can't be free
Oh let's do right or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another cold cold war with you

Album Lyrics: Just One Love

Willie Nelson
"Just One Love"

1. I Just Dropped By
2. Bonaparte's Retreat
3. This Cold War With You
4. Just One Love
5. Each Night at Nine
6. Better Left Forgotten
7. It's a Sin
8. Four Walls
9. Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette)
10. Cold, Cold Heart
11. Alabam
12. Eight More Miles to Louisville