lyrics Andrae Crouch And The Disciples lyrics and songs, Besedila
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Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
Album Lyrics: Live at Carnegie Hall [1973]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Live at Carnegie Hall [1973]"

1. I Don't Know Why Jesus Loves Me playlist
2. Jesus Is The Answer playlist

Album Lyrics: Keep on Singin' [1971]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Keep on Singin' [1971]"

1. I've Got Confidence playlist
2. My Tribute playlist

Album Lyrics: Just Andraé [1972]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Just Andraé [1972]"

1. If Heaven Was Never Promised to Me playlist

Album Lyrics: The Journey [2011]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"The Journey [2011]"

1. Let The Church Say Amen playlist
2. The Promise playlist

Album Lyrics: Soulfully [1972]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Soulfully [1972]"

1. Satisfied playlist
2. Through It All playlist

Album Lyrics: This is Another Day [1977]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"This is Another Day [1977]"

1. Soon and Very Soon playlist

Album Lyrics: Take Me Back [1974]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Take Me Back [1974]"

1. Take Me Back playlist

Album Lyrics: Take the Message Everywhere [1969]

Andrae Crouch And The Disciples
"Take the Message Everywhere [1969]"

1. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power playlist