lyrics The Head And The Heart - Sounds Like Hallelujah - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: The Head And The Heart
Lyrics for Song: Sounds Like Hallelujah
Lyrics for Album: The Head And The Heart [2011]

I'm just waiting on the sun

To close his eyes and call the night

So we can put all our differences aside

I'm just waiting on the moon

With all the stars and all its gloom

We can watch it fall right back into place

So I won't keep myself around

Just to keep you warm

Momma don't put no gun in my hand

I don't wanna end up like these men

Momma don't put no gun in my hand

I don't wanna end up like these men

I'm not walking away

I'm just hearing what you're saying

For the first time

Sounds like hallelujah for the first time

For the first time

Singing hallelujah for the first time

And I'll miss you someday

I'll miss you someday

I'll miss you someday

I'll miss you someday

I'll miss you someday

I'll miss you

I'm not walking away

I'm just hearing what you're saying

For the first time

Sounds like hallelujah for the first time

For the first time

I'm singing hallelujah for the first time

Album Lyrics: The Head And The Heart [2011]

The Head And The Heart
"The Head And The Heart [2011]"

1. Cats And Dogs
2. Coeur D'alene
3. Ghosts
4. Down In The Valley
5. Rivers And Roads
6. Honey Come Home
7. Lost In My Mind
8. Winter Song
9. Sounds Like Hallelujah
10. Heaven Go Easy On Me