lyrics Annie Lennox - A Thousand Beautiful Things - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Annie Lennox
Lyrics for Song: A Thousand Beautiful Things
Lyrics for Album: The Annie Lennox Collection [2009]

Every day I write the list

Of reasons why I still believe they do exist

(a thousand beautiful things)

And even though it's hard to see

The glass is full and not half empty

(a thousand beautiful things)

So... light me up like the sun

To cool down with your rain

I never want to close my eyes again

Never close my eyes

Never close my eyes

I thank you for the air to breathe

The heart to beat

The eyes to see again

(a thousand beautiful things)

And all the things that's been and done

The battle's won

The good and bad in everyone

(this is mine to remember)

So ...

Here I go again

Singin' by your window

Pickin' up the pieces of what's left to find

The world was meant for you and me

To figure out our destiny

(a thousand beautiful things)

To live

To die

To breathe

To sleep

To try to make your life complete

(yes yes)

So ...

Light me up like the sun

To cool down with your rain

I never want to close my eyes again

Never close my eyes

never close my eyes ...

That is everything I have to say

(that's all I have to say)

Album Lyrics: The Annie Lennox Collection [2009]

Annie Lennox
"The Annie Lennox Collection [2009]"

1. A Thousand Beautiful Things
1. Sing
2. Pavement Cracks
3. Why
4. Walking On Broken Glass
5. Precious
6. Cold
7. No More I Love You's
8. A Whiter Shade Of Pale
9. Dark Road
10. Sing
11. Love Song For A Vampire
12. Pattern Of My Life
13. Shining Light
14. Into the West
15. Ladies Of The Canyon
16. Hush, Hush, Hush
17. Many Rivers to Cross
18. Dream Angus
19. Mama
20. Everybody Hurts
21. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye