lyrics Uh Huh Her - Not A Love Song - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Uh Huh Her
Lyrics for Song: Not A Love Song
Lyrics for Album: Common Reaction [2008]

The city's dead by morning

Slipping past the great divide

It chases over bridges

Spins me out of my own mind

How much are you likin'

What you see is what you get

Oh, say you love me again

But you never do

I'll sing you a love

Sing you a love song

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

Oh I want to fall away

And waste another day

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

I still disappoint you

Why dont you find another threat

It seems that you fall now

If you fall would you tell anybody

You may waste no time dear

But you cant waste mine

Oh, say you love me again

But you never do

I'll sing you a love

Sing you a love song

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

Oh I want to fall away

And waste another day

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

But if you can't say love anyway

You love again

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

Oh I want to fall away

And waste another day

'Cause love is a game to you now

Watch just to see how long

Album Lyrics: Common Reaction [2008]

Uh Huh Her
"Common Reaction [2008]"

1. Not A Love Song
2. Explode
3. Wait Another Day
4. Common Reaction
5. Covered
6. Everyone
7. Away From Here
8. So Long
9. Dance With Me
10. Dreamer