lyrics Uh Huh Her - Say So - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Uh Huh Her
Lyrics for Song: Say So
Lyrics for Album: Hotel For Dogs (Original Motion Picture) [2009]

You say that you're broken

I just want to fix you

Tell me what to do

Baby I will listen

Days that go unwritten

All the things you're missing

Tell me what to do

Maybe I can fix it


Uh huh

Say so, you want to

Say so, you want to (You always disappear)

Uh Oh

You are too happy as you are

You always disappear

Still I believe you

I just want to save you

Tell me what to do

Baby I will listen

Run run if you want to

You'll find what you're after

Tell me what to do

I'll find all the answers

Uh huh

Say so, you want to

Say so, you want to (You always disappear)

Uh Oh

You are too happy as you are

You always disappear

Don't know how long I wasted my time baby

I only want to lie with you

I never thought that you would be showing my view

Stay if you want

Then you'll disappear

We'll disappear

Uh huh

Say so, you want to

Say so, you want to (You always disappear)

Uh Oh

You are too happy as you are

You always disappear

Album Lyrics: Hotel For Dogs (Original Motion Picture) [2009]

Uh Huh Her
"Hotel For Dogs (Original Motion Picture) [2009]"

1. Say So