lyrics Vanessa Carlton - Hands On Me - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Vanessa Carlton
Lyrics for Song: Hands On Me
Lyrics for Album: Icon: Vanessa Carlton [2011]

I first saw you at the video exchange

I know my heart and it will never change

This temp work would be alright if you'd call me

You'd call me

I lye awake at night for you and I pray

We'd cross the deepest oceans

Cargo across the sea

And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me

And all the constellations shine down for us to see

And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me


The subway radiates with heat

We've barely met and still I cross the street to your door

We'd cross the deepest oceans

Cargo across the sea

And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me

And all the constellations shine down for us to see

And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me

Someday when our stories are told they'll tell of a love like this

When our descendants are all growing old

A thousand years

They'll be singing

Na na na

Na na

Na na na na

We'd climb the Tibetan mountains where we can barely breathe

I'll see the Dali Lama

I'll feel him blessing me

And all the constellations shine down for us to see

And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me

(Hands on me)

Na na na na na



(Hands on me)

Your hands on me

(Hands on me)

Na na na na na



(Hands on me)

I first saw you at the video exchange

Album Lyrics: Icon: Vanessa Carlton [2011]

Vanessa Carlton
"Icon: Vanessa Carlton [2011]"

1. Ordinary Day
3. Pretty Baby
4. Twilight
5. White Houses
6. Who's To Say
7. San Francisco
8. Private Radio
9. Nolita Fairytale
10. Hands On Me
11. Home