lyrics Marty Robbins - Man and a Train - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Marty Robbins
Lyrics for Song: Man and a Train
Lyrics for Album: 20th Century Drifter [MCA] [1985]

A man and a train, a train and a man

They both tried to run as far and as fast as they can

But a man's not a train and a train's not a man

A man can do things that a train never can.

Goin' up a mountain even half way to the top

The minute that a train runs out of steam it's gotta stop

But it's a different story when a man runs out of steam

He still can go a long, long way on nothin' but a dream.

Goin' cross the country when a train runs out of track

It has to stop and turn around and then start headin' back

But many miles from nowhere out where all the tracks are gone

A man who's got himself a dream can still keep goin' on.

So don't try to stop me

Don't try to stop me 'cause nobody can

I've got a dream, a beautiful dream

And that makes me a man.

No don't try to stop me

Don't try to stop me 'cause nobody can

I've got a dream, a beautiful dream and that makes me

Makes me a man...

Album Lyrics: 20th Century Drifter [MCA] [1985]

Marty Robbins
"20th Century Drifter [MCA] [1985]"

1. Man and a Train