lyrics They Might Be Giants - Can You Find It? - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: They Might Be Giants
Lyrics for Song: Can You Find It?
Lyrics for Album: Here Come The ABCs [2005]

Can you find the hidden 'H'

Where it's hiding?

Is it on the ground

Or in the sky

Or part of something here?

Does it fit somehere inside?

Is there somewhere it can hide?

Can you find it?

Can you find it?

Can you find it?

There it is

Where's the secret 'R'?

Can you see it?

Is it in the train

Or on the tracks

Or at the station-house?

Is the 'R' inside the tree?

Where oh where can it be?

Can you find it?

Can you find it?

Can you find it?

There it is

Where is the 'L'?

Is it under the chair?

Is it growing in the hair?

Where could it be?

We have looked everywhere

And I'm sorry to say

That it's part of the 'H'

Which isn't fair


W: Now where are you hiding, D?

D: Oh, you're never going to find me. But my question to you is, W, where are you hiding?

W: I have no idea. I've been looking everywhere.

Where is the 'M'?

Is it invisible?

Or is that against the rules?

Where can it be?

Well, it's right in front of you

And I'll give you a clue

It's an upside-down 'W'

There are letters everywhere in this picture

There's a 'B', an 'F', a 'Z', an 'X', a 'P', an 'O', a 'Y'

There's a sideways letter 'Q'

The aforementioned 'W'

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Can you find them?

Here they are

Album Lyrics: Here Come The ABCs [2005]

They Might Be Giants
"Here Come The ABCs [2005]"

1. Here Come The ABCs
2. Alphabet Of Nations
3. E Eats Everything
4. Flying V
5. Q U
6. Go for G!
7. Pictures Of Pandas Painting
8. D & W
9. Fake-Believe
10. Can You Find It?
11. The Vowel Family
12. Letter / Not a Letter
13. Alphabet Lost And Found
14. I C U
15. Who Put The Alphabet In Alphabetical Order?
16. L M N O
17. C Is For Conifers
18. Fake-Believe (Type B)
19. D Is for Drums
20. Goodnight My Friends
21. Here In Higglytown (Theme to Higglytown Heroes)
22. Z Y X