lyrics André 3000 - Prototype - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: André 3000
Lyrics for Song: Prototype
Lyrics for Album: The Love Below [2003]

I hope that you are the one

If not you are the prototype

We'll tip toe to the sun

And do thangs I know you like


I think I am in love again (2x)

(Today)today must be my lucky day

Baby (You are the prototype)

Do sumn' outta the ordinary

like catch a matinee

Baby (You are the prototype)

I think I'm..............


(If we happen to part )

Lord knows I dont want that

But hey (We cant be mad at god)

We met today for a reason

I think I'm on the right track now


Let's go , let's go to the movies


come here ,Now come here,

U-uh ,I said come here,come here

[Hook on background]

Girl right now I wanna say I wanna say

I wanna say stank you (stank you) smelly much (smelly much)

For picking me up

And bringing me back to this world

I cant or not I can't afford not to record

I thank I wanna say

I thank I wanna say stank you

Stank you smelly much

For picking me up and bringing me back to this world

Hey ,hey John

Are we recording our adlibs

Really what we were recording just there

Let me hear that

That first one ...

Album Lyrics: The Love Below [2003]

André 3000
"The Love Below [2003]"

1. The Love Below (Intro)
2. Love Hater
3. (interlude)
4. Happy Valentine's Day
5. Spread
6. (skit)
7. Prototype
8. She's Living In My Lap
9. Hey Ya!
10. Roses
11. Good Day, Good Sir
12. Behold A Lady
13. Pink & Blue
14. Love In War
15. She's Alive
16. Dracula's Wedding
17. My Favorite Things
18. Take Off Your Cool
19. Vibrate
20. A Day In The Life Of Benjamin Andre