lyrics Fenix TX - All My Fault - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Fenix TX
Lyrics for Song: All My Fault
Lyrics for Album: Fenix TX

I guess we've had our fun but it seems the fun is over now
And that's all right
It's all right
Time for me to move along and after all is said and done
I'll be all right
and it's all right

Tell me something that's sure to break my heart
'cause everything's my fault
And I know I deserve to be alone
'cause everything's my fault

Here we go again unsuccessful to make amends
and that's all right
and it's all right
I've tried as hard as I can
but I can't seem to understand
and it's all right
it's all right

Tell me something that's sure to break my heart
'cause everything's my fault
And I know I deserve to be alone
'cause everything's my fault

I guess it's over now your honesty has all run out
but that's all right
and it's all right
I just can't seem to see how the hell you can make believe
that it's all right
and it's all right

Tell me something that's sure to break my heart
'cause everything's my fault
And I know I deserve to be alone
'cause everything's my fault
everythings my fault
and everythings my fault (x2)

Album Lyrics: Fenix TX

Fenix TX
"Fenix TX"

1. Flight601 All I've Got Is Time
2. Minimum Wage
3. Surf Song
4. All My Fault
5. Jolly Green Dumbass
6. G.B.O.H.
7. Ben
8. Speechless
9. Philosophy
10. No Lie
11. Apple Pie Cowboy Toothpaste
12. Jean Claude Trans Am
13. Rooster Song