lyrics Alkaline Trio - Private Eye - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Alkaline Trio
Lyrics for Song: Private Eye
Lyrics for Album: Damnesia [2011]

I dragged this lake looking for corpses

Dusted for prints, pried up the floorboards

Pieces of planes and black box recorders

Don't lie

(Don't lie)

And I've been preoccupied with these sick, sick senses

That sense DNA on barbed wire fences

Maybe someday, I'll find me a suspect

That has no alibi

New Year's Eve was as boring as heaven

I watched flies fuck on channel 11

There was no one to kiss, there was nothing to drink

Except some old rotten milk someone left in the sink

And there's no ring, there's no ring, on the phone anymore

There's no reason to call I passed out on the floor

Smoked myself stupid and drank my insides raisin dry

But at the right place at the right time

I'll be dead wrong and you'll be just fine

I won't have to quit doing fucked up shit

For anyone but me

And the right place at the right time

It will have been worth it to stand in line

And you won't have to stop

say I love cops, for anyone but me

Your private eye.

I dragged this lake looking for corpses

Dusted for prints, pried up the floorboards

Pieces of planes and black box recorders

Don't lie

(Don't lie)

And I've been preoccupied with these sick, sick senses

That sense DNA on barbed wire fences

Maybe someday, I'll find me a suspect

That has no alibi

At the right place at the right time

I'll be dead wrong and you'll be just fine

I won't have to quit doing fucked up shit

For anyone but me

And the right place at the right time

It will have been worth it to stand in line

And you won't have to stop

Say I love cops, for anyone but me

Your private eye

Your private eye

And at the right place at the right time

I'll be dead wrong and you'll be just fine

You won't have to quit doing fucked up shit

For anyone but me

And the right place at the right time

It will have been worth it to stand in line

And you won't have to stop

Say I love cops, for anyone but me

Your private eye

Album Lyrics: Damnesia [2011]

Alkaline Trio
"Damnesia [2011]"

1. Blue In The Face
2. Calling All Skeletons
3. Clavicle
4. Every Thug Needs A Lady
5. I Held Her In My Arms
6. I Remember A Rooftop
7. Mercy Me
8. Nose Over Tail
9. Olde English 800
10. Private Eye
11. Radio
12. The American Scream
13. This Could Be Love
14. We've Had Enough
15. You've Got So Far To Go