lyrics The Beatles - Ain't She Sweet - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: The Beatles
Lyrics for Song: Ain't She Sweet
Lyrics for Album: Anthology (Part 3) [1996]

Oh ain't she sweet,

well see her walking down that street.

Yes I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Oh ain't she nice,

well look her over once or twice.

Yes I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye

in her direction.

Oh me oh my,

ain't that perfection?

Oh I repeat

well don't you think that's kind of neat?

Yes I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Oh ain't she sweet,

well see her walking down that street.

Well I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Oh ain't that nice,

well look it over once or twice.

Yes I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye

in her direction.

Oh me oh my,

ain't that perfection?

Oh I repeat

well don't you think that's kind of neat?

Yes I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Oh ain't she sweet,

well see her walking down that street.

Well I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Well I ask you very confidentially:

ain't she sweet?

Album Lyrics: Anthology (Part 3) [1996]

The Beatles
"Anthology (Part 3) [1996]"

1. A Beginning
2. Ain't She Sweet
3. Come And Get It
4. Hey Jude (Anthology)
5. Junk
6. Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues
7. Not Guilty
8. Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle And Roll/Blue Suede Shoes
9. Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias
10. Teddy Boy
11. What's The New Mary Jane