lyrics Manic Street Preachers - A Song for Departure - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Manic Street Preachers
Lyrics for Song: A Song for Departure
Lyrics for Album: Lifeblood [2004]

And all the marks I carry on my face

For you for another some calm and some grace

But once within a long and broken night

A face like mine bereft of dreams and white

This is a song (This is a song)

A song for a departure

This is a song

This is a song (This is a song)

A song to make you homewards

This is a song

Maybe this strangeness only ever was

To hide ourselves from some kind of happiness

But always the moment it just seems to stay

Tearing it off like so many calendar days

This is a song (This is a song)

A song for a departure

This is a song

This is a song (This is a song)

A song to break your heart to

This is a song

This is a song (This is a song)

A song for broken lovers

This is a song

This is a song (This is a song)

A song to make you homewards

This is a song

This is a song (This is a song)

A song to break your heart to

This is a song

Album Lyrics: Lifeblood [2004]

Manic Street Preachers
"Lifeblood [2004]"

1. 1985
2. A Song for Departure
3. Always/Never
4. Cardiff Afterlife
5. Emily
6. Fragments
7. Glasnost
8. I Live To Fall Asleep
9. Solitude Sometimes Is
10. To repel Ghosts