lyrics Venom - Blessed Dead - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Venom
Lyrics for Song: Blessed Dead
Lyrics for Album: Metal Black [2006]

They came looking for trouble

But then they found me

Now you'd better off dead son

Than if you fucked with me

When the walls come crashing down

And your life turns to ash

I'm every cunt who give a shit

And sold your soul for drugs and cash

I am a nightmare

I am a nightmare stalking

The blessed dead

I'm gonna fuck up your head

And trample on your bones

You thought you'd hit and run

You'll wish you stayed at home

When you know the end is nigh

And all your dreams are dead

Just remember I'm the one

Who put bad thoughts in your head

The blessed dead

Gonna fuck you up

They came looking for action

But never bargained on me

Now they wish that they were dead

What a sad sight to see

When the walls come crashing down

And your life turns to ash

I'm every cunt who gives a shit

And sold your soul for drugs & cash

Album Lyrics: Metal Black [2006]

"Metal Black [2006]"

1. A Good Day To Die
2. Antechrist
3. Assassin
4. Blessed Dead
5. Burn In Hell
6. Darkest Realm
7. Death & Dying
8. Hours Of Darkness
9. House Of Pain
10. Lucifer Rising
11. Maleficarvm
12. Metal Black
13. Regé Satanas
14. Sleep When I'm Dead