lyrics Bing Crosby - Road to Morocco - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Bing Crosby
Lyrics for Song: Road to Morocco
Lyrics for Album: Pennies From Heaven [2008]

We're off on the road to Morocco

This taxi is tough on the spine (Beats the bus, hey jr. Beats me!)

Where we're goin', why we're goin', how can we be sure

I'll lay you eight to five that we'll meet Dorothy Lamour (Wahoo!)

We're off on the road to Morocco

Hang on till the end of the line

I hear this country's where they do the dance of the seven veils

We'd tell you more (shhh) but we would have the censor on our tails

We certainly do get around

Like Webster's Dictionary we're Morocco bound

We're off on the road to Morocco

Well look out, well clear the way, 'cause here we come

The men eat fire, sleep on nails and saw their wives in half

It seems to me there should be easier ways to get a laugh

Off on the road to Morocco,

And somewhere I feel kind of numb

For any villains we may meet, we haven't any fear

Paramount will protect us cause wear singed for 5 more years

We certainly do get around

Like a complete set of Shakespeare that you get

in the corner drugstore for a dollar ninety-eight

We're Morocco bound

Or, like a volume of Omar Khayyam that you buy in the

department store at

Album Lyrics: Pennies From Heaven [2008]

Bing Crosby
"Pennies From Heaven [2008]"

1. Road to Morocco
2. Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon
3. Ave Maria