lyrics Squeeze - No Place Like Home - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Squeeze
Lyrics for Song: No Place Like Home
Lyrics for Album: Excess Moderation [1996]

I'm faced with the facts

And a fist full of threats

I stand quite amused

At the end of my bed

I have no defense

For what I have said

As a handful of love

Whacks me right round the head

She's growling and stalking

And grabs from a pile

A book that she throws

And it's missed by a mile

I'm holding a pillow

And as naked as sin

I'm backed to a corner

With a wastepaper bin

Then up on a mattress

There's no place to go

I'm guilty, yes guilty

But there's no place like home

I rewind the hours

To see what went wrong

I plead for forgiveness

And I'm hit like a gong

It seems that I'm guilty

Of smiling too long

When recalling lovers

That now have long gone

I'm guilty, you're guilty

So let me be stoned

The past is not present

When there's no place like home

Off with the shoe

And whack round the head

Your ear rings like a phone

Some explanation might we patch and mend

A love that's lost control

Now there's no place like home

Album Lyrics: Excess Moderation [1996]

"Excess Moderation [1996]"

1. Blood And Guts
2. Cold Shoulder
3. Dr. Jazz
4. Letting Go
5. Melody Motel
6. No Place Like Home
7. Peyton Place
8. Revue
9. Separate Beds
10. Striking Matches
11. The Apple Tree
12. The Elephant Ride
13. The Truth
14. Tongue Like A Knife
15. When The Hangover Strikes
16. Woman's World