lyrics Bathory - Blooded Shores - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Bathory
Lyrics for Song: Blooded Shores
Lyrics for Album: Nordland II [2003]

Dark is the sea : raging waves

endless the sky above me

mighty is the wind that fills our sail

many of us will follow : our journey brave

The day when ice would break and sun was high

we sailed with wind of fate across the seas

we followed the stars bright in the night

The land was bleak and could not provide

sail across the sea with the wind and tide

brothers at my side : our blood the same

Oden up high : I call thy name

Through the fog they will come in the dawn

with the wind from the raging sea

beware of the men of the North

they will sail down the blooded shore

with the wind they will return to the seas

Down foreign shores : all land would sleep

silent at dawn : with fire and steel

by our swords : silver and gold

our journey glorious : tales will be told

The day when ice would break and sun was high

we sailed with wind of fate across the seas

we followed the stars bright in the night

The land was bleak and could not provide

sail across the sea with the wind and tide

brothers at my side : our blood the same

Oden up high : I call thy name

Through the fog they will come in the dawn

with the wind from the raging sea

beware of the men of the North

they will sail down the blooded shore

with the wind they will return to the seas

Album Lyrics: Nordland II [2003]

"Nordland II [2003]"

1. Blooded Shores
2. Fanfare
3. Flash of the Silverhammer
4. The Messenger
5. Vinland