lyrics Arlo Guthrie - If I Could Only Touch Your Life - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Arlo Guthrie
Lyrics for Song: If I Could Only Touch Your Life
Lyrics for Album: Outlasting The Blues / Power Of Love [2005]

by Aaron Schroeder & David Grover

Where are the dreams

We dreamed when we were younger

Where are the songs we never got to sing

Oh how cold were the nights we slept without each other

Time doesn't wait, but time won't pass us by

If I could only touch your life

With just one part of me

You'll know how much you're needed

And I'll know I finally succeeded

If I could only touch your life with mine

So green the trees and oh so blue the skies

When you are looking through a lover's eyes

Darling these are the days, our days of love and laughter

There'll be no time for tears, the doubts and fears will fly

If I could only touch your life

With just one part of me

You'll know how much you're needed

And l'll know I finally succeeded

If I could only touch your life with mine

If I could only touch your life

With just one part of me

You'll know how much you're needed

And I'll know I finally succeeded

Oh won't you let me touch your life with mine

Album Lyrics: Outlasting The Blues / Power Of Love [2005]

Arlo Guthrie
"Outlasting The Blues / Power Of Love [2005]"

1. Carry Me Over
2. Drowning Man
3. Evangelina
4. Garden Song
5. Give It All You Got
6. If I Could Only Touch Your Life
7. Living Like A Legend
8. Sailing Down This Golden River
9. Slow Boat
10. Telephone
11. Underground
12. Waimanalo Blues
13. Wedding Song
14. When I Get To The Border
15. Which Side
16. World Away From Me