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Artist/Band: Florence And The Machine
Lyrics for Song: Over The Love
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Florence And The Machine

Ever since I was a child

I've tuned it all in my mind

I sang by the piano

Tore my yellow dress and

Cried and cried and cried

And I'd want to see what I've seen

To undo what has been done

Turn off all the lights

Let the morning come, come

Now there's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I sing from the piano

Tear my yellow dress and

Cry and cry and cry

Over the love of you

On this champagne-drunken home

Against the current of old

Everybody see I love him

Cause it's the feeling that you get

When the afternoon is set

On the bridge into the city

And I want to see what I've seen

To undo what has been done

Turn off all the lights

Let the morning come

There's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I sing from the piano

Tear my yellow dress and

Cry and cry and cry

Cause you're a hard soul to save

With an ocean in the way

But I'll get around it

I'll get around it

Cause you're a hard soul to save

With an ocean in the way

But I'll get around it

I'll get around it

There's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I sing from the piano

Tear my yellow dress and

Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of you

Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of you

Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of you

I can see the green light

I can see it in your eyes

I can see the green light

I can see it in your eyes

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Florence And The Machine

Florence And The Machine
"Other Songs - Florence And The Machine"

1. Addicted To Love
2. Are You Hurting The One You Love?
3. Bedroom Hymns
4. Bird Song
5. Breath Of Life
6. Falling
7. Galaxy Of The Lost
8. Ghosts
9. Goin' Down
10. Halo
11. Hardest of Hearts
12. Hospital Beds
13. My Best Dress
14. Not Fade Away
15. Over The Love
16. Postcards From Italy
17. Remain Nameless
18. Strangeness And Charm
19. Swimming
20. Ye Olde Hope