lyrics Django - Trinity: Titoli (Annibale E I Cantori Moderni) - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Django
Lyrics for Song: Trinity: Titoli (Annibale E I Cantori Moderni)
Lyrics for Album: Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained Soundtrack OST

(Annibale E I Cantori Moderni)

He's the guy who's the talk of the town
with the restless gun
don't you bother to foolin' around
keeps the varmints on the run, boy
keeps the varmints on the run

You may think he's a sleepy tired guy
always takes his time
sure'n I know you'll be changing your mind
when you've seen him use a gun, boy
when you've seen him use a gun

He's the top of the West
always cool, he's the best!
He keeps alive with his Colt 45

You won't bother to foolin' around
when you've seen him use a gun, boy
when you've seen him use a gun

He's the top of the West
always cool, he's the best!
He keeps alive with his Colt 45

Who's the guy who's a-ridin' to town
in the prairie sun?
You won't bother to foolin' around
when you've seen him use a gun, boy
when you've seen him use his gun

Album Lyrics: Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained Soundtrack OST

"Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained Soundtrack OST"

1. Winged
2. Django - Luis Bacalov
4. In that case Django, after you... - Christopher Waltz & Jamie Foxx
5. Lo Chiamavano King (His Name Is King) - Luis Bacalov
6. Freedom - Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton
7. Five-Thousand-Dollar Nigga's and Gummy Mouth Bitches
10. I Got A Name - Jim Croce
12. 100 Black Coffins - Rick Ross
16. Ancora Qui - Elisa Toffoli
17. Unchained James Brown And 2pac
18. Who Did That To You - John Legend
19. Too Old To Die Young
23. Trinity: Titoli (Annibale E I Cantori Moderni)