lyrics Bing Crosby - Just A Gigolo - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Bing Crosby
Lyrics for Song: Just A Gigolo
Lyrics for Album: Centennial Anthology [2010]

Was in a Paris cafe that first I found him

He was a Frenchman, a hero of the war

But war was over

And here's how peace had crowned him

A few cheap medals to wear and nothing more

Now every night in the same cafe he shows up

And as he strolls by ladies hear him say

If you admire me, hire me

A gigolo who knew a better day

Just a gigolo, everywhere I go

People know the part I'm playing

Paid for every dance

Selling each romance

Every night some heart betraying

There will come a day

Youth will pass away

Then what will they say about me

When the end comes I know

They'll say just a gigolo

As life goes on without me

Just a gigolo, everywhere I go

People know the part I'm playing

Paid for every dance

Selling each romance

Every night some heart betraying

There will come a day

Youth will pass away

Then what will they say about me

When the end comes I know

They'll say just a gigolo

As life goes on without me

Album Lyrics: Centennial Anthology [2010]

Bing Crosby
"Centennial Anthology [2010]"

1. Dancing In The Dark
2. I Surrender, Dear
3. Just One More Chance
4. Out Of Nowhere
5. Stardust
6. A Faded Summer Love
7. I Apologize
8. I'm Thru With Love
9. Just A Gigolo