lyrics Snog - Real Wise Yuppie - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Snog
Lyrics for Song: Real Wise Yuppie
Lyrics for Album: 16 Easy Tunes For The End Times [2006]

I'm a real wise yuppie and I sold my soul

Got a porsche in one hand

And a pot of gold

Snort bulk coke

'Cause my hearts mighty cold

Look real groovy

But I'm feelin real old

There's gold in your eyes dear lord

Can't see your flock for the dollar signs

Our god he is a dollar bill

A mound of them buggers is even holier still

My life consecrated by the vogue year book

My style dictated by the rick astley look

Drive a car but I can't read a book

I don't eat meat except for a little bit of chook

'Cause I was born to be mild

Like the first suburban child

Born to be king

Of the really boring things

There's gold in your eyes dear lord

You can't see your flock for the dollar signs

Our god he is a dollar bill

A mound of them buggers is even holier still

Nobody cares about you and me

Well its a corporate ripoff monopoly

Well I guess that god is a very big business

Honey, I know its true

That god today is bigger than ?you?

Album Lyrics: 16 Easy Tunes For The End Times [2006]

"16 Easy Tunes For The End Times [2006]"

1. Born To Be Mild
2. Cliché
3. Empires
4. Fill My Hole
5. Hey, Christian God
6. Real Wise Yuppie