lyrics Gretchen Peters - Souvenirs - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Gretchen Peters
Lyrics for Song: Souvenirs
Lyrics for Album: Gretchen Peters

I set out like Kerouac in my American car

Carryin' a dream and a road map deep in my American heart

But where's them mountain majesties? Where's those waves of grain?

Billboards from sea to shining sea, man, it ain't the same

I've been searching for the promised land

But it's just another neon, come on, roadside stand

Little tin toys that fall apart, that's all they got here

I come all this way to find my heart all I get is souvenirs

They got Mount Rushmore on a cup, everybody needs one of those

For a dollar more they'll fill it up, you can drink out of Lincoln's nose

They got the hard rock T-shirts, they got Elvis too

Sooner or later mark my words, they're gonna get you

I've been searching for the promised land

But it's just another neon come-on roadside stand

Little tin toys that fall apart, that's all they got here

I come all this way to find my heart all I get is souvenirs

Baby, I believed in you, I thought you believed in me

I thought we had a love that's true, not a close facsimile

Now I don't want your dime store ring turns my finger green

I don't want your dimestore love I want the real thing

I've been searching for the promised land

But it's just another neon come-on roadside stand

Little tin toys that fall apart, that's all they got here

I come all this way to find my heart all I get is souvenirs

Album Lyrics: Gretchen Peters

Gretchen Peters
"Gretchen Peters"

1. I Don't Know
2. Love Is A Drug
3. Revival
4. Souvenirs