lyrics Vamps - Redrum - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Vamps
Lyrics for Song: Redrum
Lyrics for Album: Vamps [2009]

Fear, in pain, crime, pleasure

Evil, insane, torture, friend

He states, don't mistake

Don't mistake

Don't mistake

Enemy, target, prisoner

Attack, against, shooting, you?

He states, don't mistake

Don't mistake

Don't mistake

Say God,

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

Who says, it is sanity to pull that trigger?

Say God,

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

In vain, and we're going insane

Redrum am I

He states, don't mistake

Don't mistake

Don't mistake

Say God

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

Who says, it is sanity to pull that trigger?

Say God

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

In vain, and we're going insane

He states, don't mistake

Don't mistake

Don't mistake

Say God

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

Who says, it is sanity to pull that trigger?

Say God

You made justice in this world then reversed it?

In vain, and we're going insane

Will I make it through your gates?

Say God, will I make it through your gates?

Album Lyrics: Vamps [2009]

"Vamps [2009]"

1. Cosmos
2. Deep Red
3. Evanescent
4. Hunting
5. I Gotta Kick Start Now
6. Love Addict
7. Redrum
8. Secret In My Heart
9. Sex Blood Rock N' Roll
10. Sweet Dreams
11. Time Goes By
12. Vampire Depression