lyrics Dashboard Confessional - Saints and Sailors - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Dashboard Confessional
Lyrics for Song: Saints and Sailors
Lyrics for Album: MTV Unplugged [2002]

This is where I say I've had enough

No one should ever feel the way that I feel now

A walking open wound, a trophy display of bruises

And I don't believe that I'm getting any better

Any better

Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring

And I'm thinking awful things

Pretty sure that few would notice

And this apartment is starving for an argument

Anything at all to break the silence

Wandering this house like I've never wanted out

And this is about as social as I get now

And I'm throwing away the letters that I am writing you

Cause they would never do, I would never do


Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring

And I'm thinking awful things

Pretty sure that few would notice

And this apartment is starving for an argument

Anything at all to break the silence

So don't be a liar

Don't say that everything's working when everything's broken

And you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor

And your eyes say the jokes on me

Well, I'm not laughing

You're not leaving

Who do I think I am kidding

When I'm the only one locked in this cell

Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring

And I'm thinking awful things

Pretty sure that few would notice

And this apartment is starving for an argument

Anything at all to break the silence

So don't be a liar

Don't say that everything's working when everything's broken

And you smile like a saint, but you curse like a sailor

And your eyes say the jokes on me

Album Lyrics: MTV Unplugged [2002]

Dashboard Confessional
"MTV Unplugged [2002]"

1. The Swiss Army Romance
2. The Best Deceptions
3. Remember to Breathe
4. The Good Fight
5. The Sharp Hint of New Tears
6. So Impossible
7. The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
8. Turpentine Chaser
9. Living In Your Letters
10. For You To Notice
11. The Brilliant Dance
12. Screaming Infidelities
13. Saints and Sailors
14. Again I Go Unnoticed