lyrics Aqua - Back From Mars - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Aqua
Lyrics for Song: Back From Mars
Lyrics for Album: Aquarius

Hey you, come with me, to a world of billionaires
See me, I'm da bomb, drinking champagne down at Pierre's

All the people that I'm meeting, are so friendly and perceiving
When they smile
Some are talking 'bout their feelings, and the stocks that they are dealing
So they cry, don't wanna say bye

I am coming back from Mars, where they drive in fancy cars
And the King he is okay, he is coming home today
I am coming back from Mars, where there are no cheap cigars
And Elvis has said, that I could be just like they are

Meet the stars - they're from Mars

Baby, it's glamour, throwing bills up in the air
Back off, I'm too hot, eat the oysters if you dare

Saying hi to Mister Shoe Shine, passes by a Missus Diva
Stop and stare

This is oh so just fantastic, I will live my life in plastic
Check the hair, and see what I wear

I am coming back from Mars, where they drive in fancy cars
And the King he is okay, he is coming home today
I am coming back from Mars, where there are no cheap cigars
And Elvis has said, that I could be just like they are

Meet the stars - they're from Mars

We are porno stars, sucking big cigars
We are the pop stars, we cannot play giutars

I am coming back from Mars, where they drive in fancy cars
And the King he is okay, he is coming home today
I am coming back from Mars, where there are no cheap cigars
And Elvis has said, that I could be just like they are

Meet the stars - they're from Mars

Album Lyrics: Aquarius


1. Cartoon Heroes
2. Around The World
3. Freaky Friday
4. We Belong To The Sea
5. An Apple A Day
6. Halloween
7. Good Guys
8. Back From Mars
9. Aquarius
10. Cuba Libre
11. Bumble Bees
12. Goodbye To The Circus