lyrics Avenged Sevenfold - Danger Line - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Avenged Sevenfold
Lyrics for Song: Danger Line
Lyrics for Album: Nightmare [2010]

My sixteen, locked and loaded

All fear has been avoided

You say the words and my weapon is drawn

This one could be my last time

Some people call it war crime

I may be staring at a lethal sight

Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole

Leaving my fear on the danger line

Suffering a man should never know

Leaving my faith on the danger line

I do this for my family

My daughter loves her daddy

Too many talk down on things they don't know

With colors never faded

Reckless and unabated

They may take me but never take us all

Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole

Leaving my fear on the danger line

Suffering a man should never know

Leaving my faith on the danger line

I know what you're thinking

I've been there before

So think of the time

The time we spent laughing away

So think of the times at home

Now I find myself in my own blood

The damage done is far beyond repair

I never put my faith in up above

But now, I'm hoping someone's there

I never meant to leave this world alone

I never meant to hurt the ones who cared

And though this time I thought we'd just grow old

You know, no one said its fair

Tell my baby girl that it's alright

I've sung my last song today

Remind the lord to leave his light on for me

I'm free

Album Lyrics: Nightmare [2010]

Avenged Sevenfold
"Nightmare [2010]"

1. Nightmare
2. Welcome To The Family
3. Danger Line
4. Buried Alive
5. Natural Born Killer
6. So Far Away
7. God Hates Us
8. Victim
9. Tonight The World Dies
10. Fiction
11. Save Me