lyrics Alabama Shakes - Be Mine - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Alabama Shakes
Lyrics for Song: Be Mine
Lyrics for Album: Boys & Girls [2012]

All the world can't hold a candle to you

Cause' all the world is in the dark

I'll tell you why I'm so sure

Ooh! I took a shine to you

And all them ladies can't change your mind

And all them girls can't turn your head

And all them lions in the jungle at night

I don't worry 'bout my baby

Cause I know why I don't worry

I sing me no sad songs

Happy! Never sad for long

Don't you call me anything doll, but your baby

I know...

All them girls might wanna rip us apart

If they wanna fight, they done fucked with the wrong heart

They got another thing comin'

Or I'll be a dead woman

Oh, and I would do all that for you

I'd do it for you

Cause all them girls don't know you like I do

All them girls don't know you like I do

All them ladies don't know you like I do

That's why I call you my baby

So be mine

So be my baby

Just say alright

Forever and alright

Album Lyrics: Boys & Girls [2012]

Alabama Shakes
"Boys & Girls [2012]"

1. Hold On
2. I Found You
3. Hang Loose
4. Rise To The Sun
5. You Ain't Alone
6. Goin' To The Party
7. Heartbreaker
8. Boys & Girls
9. Be Mine
10. I Ain't The Same
11. On Your Way