lyrics Alter Bridge - Broken Wings - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Alter Bridge
Lyrics for Song: Broken Wings
Lyrics for Album: Live From Amsterdam [2011]

Fight the fight alone

When the world is full of victims

Dims a fading light in our souls

Leave the peace alone

How we all are slowly changing

Dims a fading light in our souls

In my opinion seeing is to know

The things we hold are always first to go

And who's to say we won't end up alone

On broken wings I'm falling

And it won't be long

The skin on me is burning

By the fires of the sun

On skinned knees I'm bleeding

And it won't be long

I've got to find that meaning

And I'll search for so long


Cry ourselves to sleep

We will sleep alone forever

Will you lay me down

In the same place with all I love

Mend the broken home

Care for them

They are our brothers

Save the fading light in our souls

In my opinion seeing is to know

What you give will always carry you

And who's to say we won't survive it too

On broken wings I'm falling

And it won't be long

The skin on me is burning

By the fires of the sun

On skinned knees I'm bleeding

And it won't be long

I've got to find that meaning

And I'll search for so long

We sat every out

Relying on their will

To make me all that I am

And all that I'll be

We sat every out

To fall between the cracks

Of memories of all that I am

And all that I'll be

On broken wings I'm falling

And it won't be long

The skin on me is burning

Ay the fires of the sun

On skinned knees I'm bleeding

And it won't be long

I've got to find that meaning

And I'll search for so long

Album Lyrics: Live From Amsterdam [2011]

Alter Bridge
"Live From Amsterdam [2011]"

1. Ties That Bind
2. Come To Life
3. Brand New Start
4. Buried Alive
5. Coming Home
6. Before Tomorrow Comes
7. Rise Today
8. Blackbird
9. Watch Over You
10. White Knuckles
11. Find The Real
12. Metalingus
13. One Day Remains
14. In Loving Memory
15. Open Your Eyes
16. Broken Wings
17. New Way To Live
18. Travelling Riverside Blues (live)