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Artist/Band: Dave Matthews Band
Lyrics for Song: So Much To Say
Lyrics for Album: Central Park Concert [2003]

I say my hell is the closet

I'm stuck inside

can't see the light

and my heaven is a nice house

in the sky

got central heating

and I'm alright

yeah, yeah, yeah...

can't see the light

keep it locked up inside

don't talk about it

t-t-talk about the weather

yeah, yeah, yeah

can't see the light

open up my head and let me out little baby

'Cos here we have been standing for a long, long time

treading trodden trails for a long, long time

I say my hell is the closet

i'm stuck inside

can't see the light

And my heaven is a nice house in the sky

Got central heating and i'm alright

'Cos here we have been standing for a

long long time

Treading trodden trails for a long,

long time time time time time time

I find sometimes it's easy

to be myself

Sometimes i find it's better to be

somebody else

I see you young and soft oh little baby

little feet, little hands, little feet, little feet, little baby

one year of crying and the words creep up inside

deep into your mind yeah

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

'Cos here we have been standing for a long, long time

treading trodden trails for a long, long time...........

I find sometimes it's easy to be myself

sometimes I find it's better to be somebody else

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say

open up my head and let me out little baby

Album Lyrics: Central Park Concert [2003]

Dave Matthews Band
"Central Park Concert [2003]"

1. Don't Drink The Water
2. So Much To Say
3. When The World Ends
4. What You Are
5. All Along The Watchtower
6. Ants Marching
7. Cortez, the Killer
8. Dancing Nancies
9. Help Myself
10. Jimi Thing
11. Rhyme & Reason
12. Where Are You Going