lyrics Beatles - You Can't Do That - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Beatles
Lyrics for Song: You Can't Do That
Lyrics for Album: A hard day's night

I got something to say that might cause you pain
If I catch you talking to that boy again
I'm gonna let you down
and leave you flat
Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

Well it's the second time I've caught you talking to him
Do I have to tell you one more time I think it's a sin
I think I'll let you down
and leave you flat
Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

Everybody's green
'cause I'm the one who won your love
But if they'd seen
you talking that way
they'd laugh in my face

So please listen to me if you want to stay mine
I can't help this feeling I'll go out of my mind
You know I'll let you down
and leave you flat
Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that, wah

Everybody's green
'cause I'm the one who won your love
But if they'd seen
you talking that way
they'd laugh in my face

So please listen to me if you want to stay mine
I can't help this feeling I'll go out of my mind
You know I'll let you down
and leave you flat
Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

Album Lyrics: A hard day's night

"A hard day's night"

1. A Hard Day's Night
2. I Should Have Known Better
3. If I Fell
4. I'm Happy Just To Dance With You
5. And I Love Her
6. Tell Me Why
7. Can't Buy Me Love
8. Anytime At All
9. I'll Cry Instead
10. Things We Said Today
11. When I get home
12. You Can't Do That
13. I'll Be Back