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Artist/Band: Beatles
Lyrics for Song: The Word
Lyrics for Album: Rubber soul

Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, It's sunshine
It's the word, love
In the beginning I misunderstood
But now I've got it, the word is good

Spread the word and you'll be free
Spread the word and be like be
Spread the work I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, It's sunshine
It's the word, love
Every where I go I hear it said
In the good and bad books that I have read

Give the word a chance to say
That the word is just the way
It's the word I'm thinking of
And the only word is love
It's so fine, It's sunshine
It's the word, love
Now that I know what I feel must be right
I'm here to show everybody the light

Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, It's sunshine
It's the word, love

Album Lyrics: Rubber soul

"Rubber soul"

1. Drive My Car
2. Norwegian Wood (this bird has flown)
3. You Won't See Me
4. Nowhere Man
5. Think For Yourself
6. The Word
7. Michelle
8. What Goes On
9. Girl
10. I'm Looking Through You
11. In My Life
12. Wait
13. If I Needed Someone
14. Run For Your Life