lyrics The Beatles - Baby's In Black - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: The Beatles
Lyrics for Song: Baby's In Black
Lyrics for Album: Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]

Oh dear, what can I do

Baby's in black and I'm feeling blue

Tell me, oh, what can I do

She thinks of him

and so she dressed in black

And though he'll never come back

she's dressed in black

Oh, dear, what can I do

baby's in black and I'm feeling blue

Tell me oh, what can I do ?

I think of her

but she thinks only of him

And though it's only a whim,

she thinks of him

Oh, how long will it take

till she sees the mistake she has made?

Dear, what can I do

Baby's in black and I'm feeling blue

Tell me oh, what can I do

She thinks of him

and so she dresses in black

And though he'll never come back

she's dressed in black

Oh, dear what can I do

Baby's in black and I'm feeling blue

Tell me oh, what can I do ?

Album Lyrics: Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]

The Beatles
"Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]"

1. Baby's In Black
2. Eight Days A Week
3. Every Little Thing
4. Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
5. I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
6. I'll Follow The Sun
7. I'm A Loser
8. Mr. Moonlight
9. No Reply
10. Rock And Roll Music
11. What You're Doing
12. Words Of Love