lyrics The Beatles - What You're Doing - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: The Beatles
Lyrics for Song: What You're Doing
Lyrics for Album: Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]

Look, what you're doing

I'm feeling blue and lonely

Would it be too much to ask of you

what you're doing to me

You got me running

and there's no fun in it

Why should it be too much to ask of you

what you're doing to me

I've been waiting here for you

wondering what you're gonna do

should you need a love that's true

it's me

Please stop your lying

you got me crying, girl

Why should it be too much to ask of you

what you're doing to me

I've been waiting here for you

wondering what you're gonna do

should you need a love that's true

it's me

Please stop your lying

you got me crying, girl

Why should it be too much to ask of you

what you're doing to me

What you're doing to me

What you're doing to me

Album Lyrics: Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]

The Beatles
"Beatles For Sale (Remastered) [2009]"

1. Baby's In Black
2. Eight Days A Week
3. Every Little Thing
4. Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
5. I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
6. I'll Follow The Sun
7. I'm A Loser
8. Mr. Moonlight
9. No Reply
10. Rock And Roll Music
11. What You're Doing
12. Words Of Love