lyrics Venom - Faerie Tale - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Venom
Lyrics for Song: Faerie Tale
Lyrics for Album: Greatest Hits & More [2001]

Gahter round and listen to

the tales I have to tell

Of demons, death and misery

In this wonderland called hell

The things that children dream of

Are present in this land

Look in my eyes and trust me

Come take my hand

The looking glass doth break

Revealing all inside

A land of joy and misery

No place for you to hide

We are your darkest fears

Faerie tale, nightmare fantasy

Keeper or souls, stealer or breath

the legions. Revel in ecstacy

The nightmares that awake you

Believe that they are real

The demons laugh and feast upon

The children's hearts they steal

Tempted into darkness

By those who would be true

Lured and deceived

by the evil that we do

Sugar and spice

and everything nice

fortune favours the chosen few

Laughter and tears

Heartache and tears

Emotional torture inside of you

Sing a song of sixpence

Mummy's going to die

Daddy is the devil

And baby's going to cry

Yu're safe with me

you wait with bated breath

the pied piper plays his song

Come follow to your death

Album Lyrics: Greatest Hits & More [2001]

"Greatest Hits & More [2001]"

1. 1000 Days In Sodom [Live]
2. At War With Satan [Demo]
3. Carnivorous
4. Civilized
5. Clarisse
6. Countess Bathory [Live]
7. Faerie Tale
9. Megalomania (Black Sabbath Cover)
10. Nothing Sacred
11. Skeletal Dance
12. Under A Spell