lyrics Snog - Fanfare For The Common Man/woman - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Snog
Lyrics for Song: Fanfare For The Common Man/woman
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Snog

Whats happening to me?

I feel my self giving in

Letting them have their way

I don't feel like fighting them anymore

I think I'm not as worried

About what happens anymore

I seem to see some comfort in the way

Everything is being planned for me

I never have to worry about what to do

Maybe this is the best way

I'm supposed to be free now

Letting them worry about taking care of me

I have no more problems, they have them all

Yeah, I do feel more relaxed

Maybe relaxed enough to smile

Maybe even to laugh, I want to laugh

To laugh, I'm free

Laugh, yes, laugh

Thats what we want you to do

You're right to give in, we want you to quit

We wanted you to give in all your life

We're glad you stopped resisting

You must now realize theres more to life than love

We're so glad you've finally realized

How hopeless this has all been

You cant escape the military

Its all been planned

Since the day you we're born

Don't hate the state

And don't hate me

But be careful not to love either

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Snog

"Other Songs - Snog"

1. Are You Normal Enough
2. Business As Usual
3. Corporate Doom
4. Fanfare For The Common Man/woman
5. Hunter
6. Is Ther No-One That Can Save Us From Today
7. Land Of The Bland
8. Langley, Virginia
9. Late Twentieth Century Boy
10. Mind And Purpose
11. Naive Giant
12. Old Atlantis
13. Shop
14. Slide Into Extinction
15. Spermy Man
16. State Rape
17. The End (Suite)
18. The Future
19. The Human Germ
20. The Last Diamond