lyrics Snog - Late Twentieth Century Boy - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Snog
Lyrics for Song: Late Twentieth Century Boy
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Snog

You wake in the morning but you're hard to find

A look in the mirror what you've left behind

You go to your job or you wander 'round

There's plenty of stuff but nothing to be found

You're a late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern tragedy

There's nothing that'll move you

There's plenty to be bought

There's no kind of mystery

There's no new thought

Tied up in your neurotic knots

Airhead celebrities, that's all you got

You're a late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern tragedy

Separated from nature and earth

You foraged once, now you're chained to the hearse

You disappeared in the checkout line

The price you paid was always just fine

You're a late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern refugee

A late twentieth century

Post-modern tragedy

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Snog

"Other Songs - Snog"

1. Are You Normal Enough
2. Business As Usual
3. Corporate Doom
4. Fanfare For The Common Man/woman
5. Hunter
6. Is Ther No-One That Can Save Us From Today
7. Land Of The Bland
8. Langley, Virginia
9. Late Twentieth Century Boy
10. Mind And Purpose
11. Naive Giant
12. Old Atlantis
13. Shop
14. Slide Into Extinction
15. Spermy Man
16. State Rape
17. The End (Suite)
18. The Future
19. The Human Germ
20. The Last Diamond