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Alter Bridge
Lyrics for Song: I Know It Hurts
Lyrics for Album: AB III.5 [2011]
20627>And you say this ain't living
You say you can't go on
They only take as your giving
And now your hope is all but gone
Though you lost your way
Now is not forever
But I know your pain
We all fall sometimes you're not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you'll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
And the tide's only rising
The storm is on its way
But you can't keep on fighting
So battleworn and so afraid
Though it's sad and wrong
I hope you will remember
That you must carry on
We all fall sometimes you're not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you'll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
There's still tomorrow
Hold on
Hold on
There's still tomorrow
Just wait
Just wait
There's still tomorrow
Hold on
Hold on
We all fall sometimes you're not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you'll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
20627> |
Album Lyrics: AB III.5 [2011] |
 Alter Bridge
"AB III.5 [2011]"
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