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Alter Bridge
Lyrics for Song: Fallout
Lyrics for Album: AB III.5 [2011]
20709>Another rebel
Runs against the grain
A loner is born
He's filled with anguish
Deep within he's dying everyday
To find his way
He is lost,
so consumed
Can you feel him?
Somewhere in the Fallout
He is someone just like you
Who is lost to find the truth
Can you hear him?
From afar he cries out
For the answer to be shown
As he dares to walk the Fallout on his own
So frustrated
He walks the line alone
Courage sets him apart
He is so faithless
All he once embraced he now disowns
He let it go
All the while
He still waits
Can you feel him?
Somewhere in the Fallout
He is someone just like you
Who is lost to find the truth
Can you hear him?
From afar he cries out
For the answer to be shown
As he dares to walk the Fallout on his own
Left behind he's walking
Burning still he tries
To unearth the meaning to this life
Cast aside he's weary
Bleeding to behold
Disconnected still he fights
For truth alone
Can you feel him?
Somewhere in the Fallout
He is someone just like you
Who is lost to find the truth
Can you hear him?
From afar he cries out
For the answer to be shown
As he dares to walk the Fallout on his own
20709> |
Album Lyrics: AB III.5 [2011] |
 Alter Bridge
"AB III.5 [2011]"
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