lyrics Foremen - California Couldn't Pay Our Education - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Foremen
Lyrics for Song: California Couldn't Pay Our Education
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Foremen

Our blood runs blue, we're loyal men and true

The hope of a new generation

But we don't speak too well, we can't read or add or spell

California couldn't pay our education

Our rooms each fall were crowded wall to wall

Resplendent in squalid privation

And our texts were first-rate back in 1958

California couldn't pay our education

And three years on, when they noticed we were gone

They showered us with consideration

And they transferred our files to the hall of juveniles

California couldn't pay our education

Now we've got great jobs; I stock the salad bar at Bob's

And I polish knobs at Union Station

And I practice law... la la la la la la la

California couldn't pay our education

The proprietor of our local liquor store

Refused our request for a donation

But we changed his mind with a crowbar from behind

California couldn't pay our education

They locked us away for three years and a day

Completing our alienation

But we learned from those men how to not get caught again

California finally paid our education

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Foremen

"Other Songs - Foremen"

1. Black
2. California Couldn't Pay Our Education
3. Dear Parking Offender
4. Privateers Of The Public Airwaves
5. Three Strikes And You're Out
6. What Did You Do On Election Day
7. Who Needs Art