lyrics Foremen - Privateers Of The Public Airwaves - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Foremen
Lyrics for Song: Privateers Of The Public Airwaves
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Foremen

We're Privateers... of the Public Airwaves!

(spoken) Beware, ye Public Broadcasters!

We're comin' for to scuttle your scurvy membership

We'll be about as subtle as a sloop upon a slip

There ain't no damn rebuttal what'll button up our lip

Prepare to take a dip

We're ravaging your culture, we're pillaging ad hoc

Don't bother to consult yer stars or talk yer dandy talk

For yonder be a vulture circling with a budget hawk

So down the plank ye — Squawk!



You're sinkin' fast, you'll never last

So stand avast, ye knaves!

We're privateers... of the Public Airwaves!

We wear a patch of black over both our pirate eyes

We'll cut you with a Draconian saber down to size

'Cause we got our tobacco and our rum to subsidize

Not to mention shakes and fries

We're raisin' up our standard so you can lower yours

We'll see you slashed and slandered and abandoned on the shores

Then sail away to grander days and blander metaphors

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, bring on the media whores!



You're sinkin' fast, you'll never last

Another blast of our bombast

So stand avast, ye knaves!

We're privateers... of the Public Airwaves!

We've carved a bucket o' blubber from every liberal lubber

And to the bottom fought 'em as we wished 'em pleasant journey

We're gaggin' every elitist and every Sesame Streetist

We're throwin' Grover over and the same with Bert and Ernie

(spoken) We believe in the three R's — Arr, Arr and Arr!

And your many miscellanies, they haven't made a dent

Can't stop a pirate when he's in a cutthroat sentiment

We're pinchin' all your pennies 'cause we can't afford dissent

You'll like it at the bottom, 'cause that's where the First Amendment




We'll split asunder, rape and plunder

Send 'er under, and defund 'er

Hear the thunder of our blunderbuss

We're buckaneers

Prick up yer friggin' ears

May the market force be with ya

Tough luck an' 'ere's to us!

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Foremen

"Other Songs - Foremen"

1. Black
2. California Couldn't Pay Our Education
3. Dear Parking Offender
4. Privateers Of The Public Airwaves
5. Three Strikes And You're Out
6. What Did You Do On Election Day
7. Who Needs Art