lyrics Foremen - What Did You Do On Election Day - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Foremen
Lyrics for Song: What Did You Do On Election Day
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Foremen

What did you do on election day,

Oh, dear brother of mine?

What did you do on election day,

My darlin' brother?

I kicked the pamphlets off the porch an'

Read the latest Forbes and Fortune,

Went to work on my tan,

Felt distinctly disenfranchised,

Threw my Bee Gees records away.

That's what I did on election day.

That's what I did last Tuesday.

What did you do on election day,

Oh, dear sister of mine?

What did you do on election day,

My darlin' sister?

I met the girls at the courts,

Wrote a note to Arnold Schwarzenegger,

Caught up on my soaps,

Pinched my cheeks and dashed my hopes,

Threw my sample ballot away.

That's what I did on election day.

That's what I did last Tuesday.

What did you do on election day,

Oh, dear father of mine?

What did you do on election day,

My darlin' daddy?

I cashed my check and cleaned my gun,

Read Cal Thomas and the funnies,

Made a payment on my plot,

Thought a thought I've since forgotten,

Threw my recycling buckets away.

That's what I did on election day

That's what I did last Tuesday.

What did you do on election day,

Oh, dear cousin of mine?

What did you do on election day,

My distant cousin?

I voted! — "What?!"

I voted Yes on A-B-C

No on W-X-Y-Z

Tore my stub, drove home and then,

Back to the polls and voted again...

And again, and again...

Once for everyone who stayed away,

That's what I did last Tuesday.

Otherwise a real slow news day.

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Foremen

"Other Songs - Foremen"

1. Black
2. California Couldn't Pay Our Education
3. Dear Parking Offender
4. Privateers Of The Public Airwaves
5. Three Strikes And You're Out
6. What Did You Do On Election Day
7. Who Needs Art