lyrics Urban Dance Squad - Deeper Shade Of Soul - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Urban Dance Squad
Lyrics for Song: Deeper Shade Of Soul
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

Surprise, surprise ! ! so you rub your eyes

never knew uds, so cool as ice?

hear the vibes man, they'll stupify

ducks - categorise us as hardcriers

that's a lie, we know why we're occupiers

no blurs, but obscure styles, these are higher

profiles are low - as soon as we go

as a breeze straight from a deeper shade of soul

Five souls play the headrole

excite the middle between the two poles

the globe rotates from new to old

uds take both to reach the souls

narrowmind clydes, still holding a pose

what we pour 'n flow when we come close

to the contrary, they pinch their earlobes

they call it rogue-rock, but it's a deeper shade of soul

We blend everything, with the color of skin

under the skin, we're in like flynn

ducks stare at us, as soon as we begin

to innovate the frame of thought they're in

again, music's got to do with only feeling

not where you're from, it's 'can' they yield in

the stuff that we rock and what we're giving

a piece of the mind connects the rhythm

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

Urban Dance Squad
"Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad"

1. (credits)
2. (some) Chitchat (5:07)
3. Alienated
4. Burnt Up Cigarette
5. Candy Strip Experience
6. Deeper Shade Of Soul
7. Demagogue
8. Downer
9. Duck Ska
10. Good Grief
11. Hangout
12. Helter Skelter
13. Inside - Outsider
14. Mugshot
15. No Honestly
16. No Kid
17. Planet Ultra
18. Routine
19. Selfstyled
20. Selfsufficient Snake
21. Stark Sharks And Backlashes