lyrics Urban Dance Squad - Inside - Outsider - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Urban Dance Squad
Lyrics for Song: Inside - Outsider
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

I want in

Not to be down with

Count me in

Not to be down with

Lizards' tongues licking, everything is pivoting

To be on top

Like constantine

Ready to scheme up

From every crack and seam

Devils team up

Got to get the fabric, got to get the fabric

I want in

Not to be down with

Lizards' tongues licking, everything is pivoting

To be on top

Got to get the fabric, got to get the fabric

I want in

Not to be down with

I know it's a sin

When my big frown hits

Got to get the fabric, got to get the fabric

Lizards' tongues licking, everything is pivoting

To be on top

Here's the man who stands on the outside

Inside looking

Here's the man standing on the outside

Inside looking, what you've been cooking up

Want to be the man who shakes with his

Right hand, stabs with the left hand

In two seconds flat

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

Urban Dance Squad
"Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad"

1. (credits)
2. (some) Chitchat (5:07)
3. Alienated
4. Burnt Up Cigarette
5. Candy Strip Experience
6. Deeper Shade Of Soul
7. Demagogue
8. Downer
9. Duck Ska
10. Good Grief
11. Hangout
12. Helter Skelter
13. Inside - Outsider
14. Mugshot
15. No Honestly
16. No Kid
17. Planet Ultra
18. Routine
19. Selfstyled
20. Selfsufficient Snake
21. Stark Sharks And Backlashes