lyrics Urban Dance Squad - Stark Sharks And Backlashes - Lyrics besedilo pesmi
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Artist/Band: Urban Dance Squad
Lyrics for Song: Stark Sharks And Backlashes
Lyrics for Album: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

First, scattered, splash-'n-splatter from the whomb

On the planet boy

First emotions-'n-notions, to drink from that potion

Mothermilk that fills still, nature's smooth like silk

'Till you learn to kill for some lies, until

You got profit to stuff it another piece you cough it

Skinz go 'ooh'-'n-off on it power's the summit

I guess sky is the limit see how you live it

Any static outlive it

Protection, you got it

You thought you was flexible - ready - unquestionable

Continue the pinnacle the cost will be maximal

Outstretch the limit, too many toes you step

Welplanned the trap and you think you can lapse

Every step you got safeguard, beefy-ish bodyguards

Troops that snoop for recoup 'n more reward, but

What it's revealin'

Is a bad feeling about this

Got it wrong, all along guessin' on impressions

Bullshit ! you should be passin' - not by causin' aggression

Using people like sheep y'all, tell 'em follow so feeble

With the strong you'll be down, just to snatch the crown

Wetting heels, when problems mount like blizzard

Lickin' like lizard - got them tight like scissors

Playin' the wizard go hide the misses

It's all apart before pluckin' the real card

Hope you got some aces when the stakes will be raised as

Sharks get stark before you fasten your shoelaces

Haunt with taunts, riches get flaunt

Blank expression their profession payback's what they want

These men fall so hard, man !

Succes ain't a snapshot that you glance at

From your pocket

Luck moves like mad truck, life's gonna stop it

Meanwhile people synthetic with tactics so plastic

Elastic like spandex - natural-life prophylactic

These men fall so hard, man !

Album Lyrics: Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad

Urban Dance Squad
"Other Songs - Urban Dance Squad"

1. (credits)
2. (some) Chitchat (5:07)
3. Alienated
4. Burnt Up Cigarette
5. Candy Strip Experience
6. Deeper Shade Of Soul
7. Demagogue
8. Downer
9. Duck Ska
10. Good Grief
11. Hangout
12. Helter Skelter
13. Inside - Outsider
14. Mugshot
15. No Honestly
16. No Kid
17. Planet Ultra
18. Routine
19. Selfstyled
20. Selfsufficient Snake
21. Stark Sharks And Backlashes